RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan


Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan - Geology and Mining Research is an open-access journal indexed by SINTA 2. It publishes research papers, reviews, and short communications in geosciences-related interdisciplinary areas. We are pleased to invite researchers and practitioners working in these fields to utilize this journal and to discuss, express and publish their views on the current trends, challenges, and state-of-the-art solutions addressing various issues in the overmentioned areas.

ISSN: 0125 9849

e-ISSN: 2354 6638

Accreditation Sinta 2:  3/E/KPT/2019



A Preface from Editor-in-Chief

Dear RGP readers,

We present the first issue of Volume 34 of Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan (Geology and Mining Research). This issue publishes five articles that covered topics on hydrogeology, mining, petrology, and geochemistry. In the first article, Mareta et al. present the water critically index of Welaran area in Central Java, Indonesia. The higher the WCI value, the more concerned the water conditions in the area will be. The water crisis can be handled if various parties manage water resources following good management. The Welaran area is part of the Lukulo Watershed, where the population often experiences water shortages. In 2020, Karangsambung has been designated as a part of Kebumen Global Geopark, which will certainly increase the number of tourists visiting here. The increase in tourist visits will also increase the need for water, including in the Welaran Watershed.

The second article by Kasih et al. briefly explained mine drainage system design in a coal mine in Kalimantan, Indonesia. This mine drainage system aims to ensure that mining activity areas are not flooded during the rainy season. The drainage system consists of designing sump dimensions, open channels, settling ponds, and pumping and piping systems. In the third paper, Al Kausar et al. elucidate geochemical analysis, including major, trace and rare earth elements, conducted by fusion ICP-MS to find out the different composition of volcanic rocks in the Karaha-Talagabodas fields in West Java, Indonesia. The major element diagram shows the sampled rocks consist of calc-alkaline for andesite of Karaha and basalt, basaltic andesite, and andesite of tholeiitic environments for the Talagabodas volcanic rocks. The normalized REE diagram of N-MORB shows the similarity of the pattern of all Talagabodas volcanic rocks, whereas the Karaha andesite rocks show slight REE enrichment and europium depletion.

The next article investigates the possibility of using flotation process wastes from Buzlukdağı feldspar beneficiation plant, Türkiye as an alternative raw material. Ozgul & Ozcelik evaluate the use of wastes from feldspar enrichment and feldspar processes as alternative raw materials in another process and investigating their usability as a final product in various sectors and fields. The results show that the process can be used for technological purposes. Furthermore, the wastes from the enrichment can be used to provide permeability in urban waste storage areas and hydroelectric dam construction.

In the last paper, based on analyses of published geological data, Abdalla et al. reviewed several possible mechanisms of this backarc thrust in western Java. Previous works proposed that the backarc thrust in western Java may have developed as deformation of paleo-accretionary wedge sediments behind a continental backstop, inverted normal fault, northward migrating thrust belt, and thrusting due to gravitational sliding of the volcanic arc. However, evidences supporting those mechanisms still need to be elucidated. Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan - Geology and Mining Research welcomes your contributions in the forthcoming issues. We sincerely acknowledge all the authors and outstanding reviewers for their valuable contributions to this issue. We recognize all the editorial members and staffs for their continuous fineness support for the publication of this volume.

The Editors
Posted: 2024-08-01
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Vol 34, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents

Preface Volume 34 (1) Year 2024


Nandian Mareta, Rizka Maria, Rachmat Fajar Lubis, Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, Muhammad Sapari Dwi Hadian
Devi Videla Kasih, Januar Fery Irawan, Fanteri Aji Dharma Suparno
Andrie Al Kausar, Iwan Setiawan, Anita Yuliyanti, Lediyantje Lintjewas, Jakah Jakah, Wawan Herawan
Fatih Ozgul, Mehmet Ozcelik
Hanief Ajib Abdalla, Nasywa Dhia Khalifa, Cyntia Adrian Lestari, M. Maruf Mukti, Akhmad Khahlil Gibran, Fadlin Fadlin