Anna Fadliah Rusydi, Sudaryanto Martosuparno, Rizka Maria


Topografi daerah Indramayu merupakan dataran rendah hingga pantai, yang secara geologi terbentuk akibat endapan sungai. Indramayu merupakan daerah sub-urban yang diprediksi akan berkembang menjadi wilayah urban seiring dengan perkembangan Ibu Kota Jakarta. Perkembangan wilayah akan berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan air bersih yang saat ini salah satu sumbernya berasal dari airtanah dangkal. Kondisi airtanah dangkal di lokasi ini merupakan hal yang menarik untuk dikaji karena datarannya terbentuk pada lingkungan laut, sehingga memungkinkan airtanah tercemar oleh airlaut yang terjebak di kala pembentukan daratan. nalisis kualitas airtanah dangkal telah dilakukan terhadap 33 conto yang diambil mulai dari Jatibarang hingga pantai utara Indramayu. Dari hasil analisis kimia air di laboratorium dilakukan pembahasan khusus untuk ion-ion utama yang dihubungkan dengan kondisi lingkungannya. Kandungan TDS, Cl-, dan Ca2+ menunjukkan klasifikasi airtanah di wilayah penelitian didominasi oleh tipe air tawar, agak payau, air agak asin. Klasifikasi tersebut secara geologi berada pada dataran endapan banjir dengan susunan batuan lempung pasiran, pasir lempungan, dan endapan.

Indramayu is located at lowland and coastal zones, which had been geologically formed from river deposits. Indramayu is a sub-urban, which is predicted to develop into an urban area, along with the growth of Jakarta as the capital city. The regional development will cause an increasing demand for clean water, which one of the primary current sources is shallow groundwater. The shallow groundwater conditions in this location are an interesting subject to study, due to its terrain was formed from a marine environment. Therefore,  groundwater might be contaminated by seawater trapped in land formation. This paper deliberates on classification and seawater contamination of shallow groundwater. Groundwater quality analysis has been done for 33 samples taken from Jatibarang region to north coast of Indramayu. Moreover, we analyzed in detail and extensive on major ions in the samples associated with environmental conditions. The contents of TDS, Cl-, and Ca2+ were indicated that the groundwater is dominated by freshwater, slightly brackish, and somewhat saline. That classified groundwater is located in river deposition, which consists of sandy loam, loamy sand, and sediments.




Indramayu, delta, groundwater, major elements, TDS, conductivity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14203/risetgeotam2017.v27.488


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Copyright (c) 2017 Anna Fadliah Rusydi, Sudaryanto Martosuparno, Rizka Maria

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