Assessing the Water Criticality Index of the Welaran Watershed in Kebumen Geopark, Central Java: Towards Good Water Resource Management

Nandian Mareta, Rizka Maria, Rachmat Fajar Lubis, Boy Yoseph Cahya Sunan Sakti Syah Alam, Muhammad Sapari Dwi Hadian


The water criticality index (WCI) is the ratio between water use and availability. The higher the WCI value, the more concerned the water conditions in the area will be. The water crisis can be handled if various parties manage water resources following good management. The Welaran area is a watershed that is part of the Lukulo Watershed, where the population often experiences water shortages. Therefore, by knowing the value of WCI, it is hoped that various parties can know the water conditions in this watershed. Based on research and calculation of the water balance in the Welaran Watershed, it is known that with total water needs in 2019-2020 of 746,937 m3 and total water availability of 1,555,318 m3, the WCI value of the Welaran Watershed is 48.02%. In 2020, Karangsambung was designated as a part of Kebumen Global Geopark, which will certainly increase the number of tourists visiting here. The increase in tourist visits will also increase the need for water, including in the Welaran Watershed. To overcome these conditions, the Kebumen regency’s government and stakeholders are expected to be able to formulate a water management step by effective management.


Water criticality index, Welaran Watershed, scarcity, geopark, water resources management

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