Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in Baleendah - Soreang, South Bandung, West Java Province

Hilman Nabil Shidiq Rahmatulloh, Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian, Bombom Rachmat Suganda, Rizka Maria


The Baleendah – Soreang area is part of the southern part of the Bandung Soreang Groundwater Basin, constructed by volcanic activity. Regional development in the Baleendah – Soreang area can decrease groundwater quality, influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors. Groundwater hydrogeochemical analysis is important in environmental management studies. This study aims to determine groundwater’s physical properties and hydrogeochemical facies in this area. The groundwater hydrochemistry analysis, determined by analysis of Stiff diagrams and Piper diagrams, shows that the groundwater in the area is classified as freshwater and has intermediate groundwater flow. In addition, the groundwater quality is affected by some anthropogenic activities.


groundwater, hydrogeochemistry, facies, piper diagram, stiff diagram, evolution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.55981/risetgeotam.2023.1235


Copyright (c) 2023 Hilman Nabil Shidiq Rahmatulloh, Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian, Bombom Rachmat Suganda, Rizka Maria

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