Dewatering requirements assessment for the Central Kalimantan NCP open pit gold mine

Nico Anatoly, Siti Rofikoh


One of the most critical aspects of open pit mining is the dewatering and mine drainage systems. The NCP Open Pit Gold Mine is located in Central Kalimantan. This study area has a range of rainfall intensities and durations from moderate to heavy. Good dewatering is required to manage runoff water and reduce runoff from entering the pit and mine front loading. The study used daily rainfall intensity data from 1994 to 2018. Using the Mononobe Method, the hydrological data for this area were evaluated by determining the value of the rainfall intensity plan. According to the evaluation of rainfall data from 1994 to 2018, the research area saw a rainfall intensity of 86.23 mm/day over a two-year return period. The majority of water extracted from mines is from precipitation and runoff rather than groundwater. An open channel was made around the open pit, flowing water naturally into the sump to reduce water entering the mining area. The water was pumped into the settling pond with 520 m3/hour and 780 m3/hour capacity pumps.


Dewatering, Groundwater, Open Pit, Central Kalimantan

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