Site selection for artificial recharge in Cisangkuy sub-watershed, West Java, using combined fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm

Muhammad Razzaaq Al Ghiffari, Lilik Eko Widodo


The Cisangkuy sub-watershed is part of the Citarum watershed with ±300 km of river length. The total area is in line with the potential of water resources which is quite good, but over time the hydrological condition of the site has decreased. Decreasing the hydrological state is due to changes in land use and land cover from year to year and is indicated by high discharge and flooding in the rainy season. This study aims to find the optimal location of artificial recharge to maintain water balance in the Cisangkuy sub-watershed. Fuzzy logic is used for determining the location of artificial recharge by considering the input variable DRASTIC in the form of depth to groundwater level, net recharge, aquifer media, soil type, slope, vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity. In addition, subtractive clustering is performed to obtain the class of each DRASTIC parameter. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm is carried out to get the optimal location of the artificial recharge zone. The priority zone is indicated by the high class of each DRASTIC parameter input. Combined fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm show that the optimal location for artificial recharge is in the northern part of the Cisangkuy sub-watershed, precisely in the Banjaran area.


Artificial Recharge, DRASTIC, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm

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