Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi akuifer air asin dan air tawar di daerah Sidoarjo. Penentuan akuifer dilakukan berdasarkan model tahananjenis 2D dan data bor. Interpretasi data tahananjenis menunjukkan bahwa prospek akuifer air tawar ada pada kedalaman 10 hingga 50 meter yang menyebar luas, dan akuifer air tawar dalam berada pada kedalaman 140 sampai 170 meter. Akuifer- akuifer tersebut memiliki nilai tahananjenis antara 14,7 sampai 46,2 ohm-meter. Akuifer air asin teridentifikasi pada kedalaman 51 sampai 110 meter dengan nilai tahananjenis 0,48 sampai 3,1 ohm-meter, dan air payau pada kedalaman 20 hingga 40 meter.
ABSTRACT Identification of Salt and Fresh Water Aquifers Based on Resistivity Model and Logging Data in Sidoarjo, East Java.
The purpose of this study is to identify saltwater and freshwater aquifers in Sidoarjo region. The aquifers were identified based on a 2D resistivity modeling from geoelectrical survey and data interpretation from resistivity logging. Analyzes from both data show that the freshwater aquifer is at the depth of 10 to 50 meters, which are widespread. A deep freshwater aquifer is in a depth of 140 to 170 meters. These aquifers has a resistivity value between 14.7 to 46.2 ohm-meters. Saltwater aquifers are identified in the depth of 51 to 110 meters with resistivity values of 0.48 to 3.1 ohms-meters. And brackish water is at the depth of 20 to 40 meters.
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