Reuse of feldspar ore waste after beneficiation for industrial use (Buzlukdaği / Kirşehir / Türkiye)
Feldspar is the most widely used raw material in the ceramic and glass industries. The aim of this article is to investigate the possibility of using flotation process wastes from Buzlukdağı feldspar beneficiation plant as an alternative raw material. The scope of the study includes the evaluation of the use of wastes arising from feldspar enrichment and feldspar processes as alternative raw materials in another process and the investigation of their usability as a final product in various sectors and fields. As a first priority, the Fe2O3 content of the flotation concentrate was reduced to 0.4%. It has been made usable in the glass and ceramic industries. As a second priority, analysis of rare earth elements was made in the wastes formed after the flotation. According to the results of the experiments carried out on the wastes after flotation; demonstrated that it can be used for technological purposes. In addition, it has been determined that the wastes generated as a result of enrichment can be used to provide permeability in urban waste storage areas and hydroelectric dam constructions.
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