Control of Sediment Grainsize on Lead (Pb) Content in the Reef Sediment Systems: A Case Study of Panjang Island, Banten Bay, Indonesia

Ayu Utami Nurhidayati, Dwi Amanda Utami, Marfasran Hendrizan, Tubagus Solihuddin, Rima Rachmayani


Sediments are known to accumulate pollutants from terrestrial and coastal waters, and can be used as an indicator to monitor metal pollution in the biosphere and the effects of anthropogenic events in the environment. Eight samples of reef surface sediments were collected from the north and east coasts of Panjang Island.  Panjang Island, located to the north of Banten Bay, was chosen for this study because of its proximity to many industrial areas. Nevertheless, the island supports a natural ecosystem, including coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves. The samples were analyzed for the grainsize, component analysis, and Pb concentrationusing AAS flame method. The result indicated Pb concentration in the grain-supported surface sediment in Panjang Island is varied. The detected Pb concentrations were 0-28.68 mg/kg in dry weight. The study indicated that the different concentration of Pb value is mainly controlled by the different of sediment grainsize. The highest Pb accumulation occurs in the areas with very fine sediment grainsize, which have better adsorption capabilities for heavy metals. This study also suggests that the medium sand fraction may accumulate different Pb values. The result indicated that, according to the classification of ANZECC/ARMCANZ, all sediment samples in the study area is in the low risk of toxicant level. Additionally, the SQG-Q (Sediment Quality Guidelines) quotient analysis indicates that Pb concentration in the study area posed a low-moderate impact to adverse biological effect.


Panjang Island, Lead, Reef sediment, grainsize, marine pollution, SQG-Q

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ayu Utami Nurhidayati, Dwi Amanda Utami, Marfasran Hendrizan, Tubagus Solihuddin, Rima Rachmayani, Sri Yudawati Cahyarini

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