Two-Dimensional Resistivity Modeling of Seawater Intrusion Along the West Flood Canal, Semarang
The northern coastal area of Semarang City has significant problems with a decrease in groundwater quality due to seawater intrusion. Increasing groundwater extraction and subsidence due to the city growth worsen the condition. It is necessary to collect information on the contaminated location to develop a strategy to decrease the spreading of seawater intrusion. This study aims to identify the presence of seawater intrusion zones in groundwater and estimate the spread distance of seawater intrusion to the land. We applied the electrical resistivity tomography method to obtain the image of the subsurface. A geo-electric survey with a dipole-dipole multi-electrode configuration was completed along the West Flood Canal. The subsurface model result indicated that the identified seawater intrusion zone is associated with a low resistivity value of less than 3 Ohm.m. The zone is about 0 - 70 meters deep near the coast and is thinning to about 2600 meters to the south. The result confirms that seawater has penetrated long distances to the land.
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